Led by the concept of "Green Water and Green Mountains is Golden Silver Mountain" of the 20th Party Congress,Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd, actively practiced its social responsibility and launched the "Photosynthesis Future Green Forthing--Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd Green China Tour" public welfare project."public welfare program.At the launching ceremony, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd, ανακοίνωσε επίσημα τη δράση "Dark Night Protection".
Mr. Lv Feng, General Manager of Passenger Vehicle Sales Company of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd. mentioned, "This is not only a brand public welfare activity, but also an environmental protection feast with the participation of all the people and the creation of car owners.Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor will take the low-carbon trip as a link, linking the majority of car owners and caring people from all walks of life to publicize the knowledge της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος, της πράσινης ανακύκλωσης μαζί και η φυλάκιση της Πράσινης Κίνας. "
Practicing the concept of sustainable development and fulfilling social responsibility, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor is always on the road.With the departure of the public welfare tour, the activity will land in Beijing, Zhengzhou, Shanghai and other ten cities across the country one after another, so that this green action will attract more people's attention!In the future, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor will unswervingly deepen the transformation of new ενέργεια, προωθεί την ανάπτυξη της νέας παραγωγικότητας και συμβάλλει στην κατασκευή του οικολογικού πολιτισμού με πράσινα ταξιδιωτικά προϊόντα.
Web: https://www.forthingmotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com; dflqali@dflzm.com
Διεύθυνση: 286, Avenue Pingshan, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Κίνα
Χρόνος δημοσίευσης: Νοέμβριος-22-2024