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Η διπλωματία της Κίνας νέα επαγγελματική κάρτα, 30 χώρες απεσταλμένα και συζύγους στην Κίνα επαίνεσε τον άνεμο

Στη σκηνή, οι κινεζικοί και ξένοι πολιτισμοί εμφανίστηκαν εξαιρετικά. Chinese traditional acrobatic program "leading" to show the cultural charm, folk music performance program "flowers and moon", "unforgettable night" through the Forthing V9 external discharge function ringing, science and technology and art mingled. The magic show "Wonderful" interacted with Pan Hui, the product director of Forthing, adding mysterious fun and immersing the audience in the marvelous atmosphere of Chinese and foreign culture fusion.

The theme of the sofa forum is also a collision of ideas stirring, around the technology, art, environmental protection point of view to explore the diversity of life. Μεταξύ αυτών, τα επιτεύγματα του Forthing στον τομέα της νέας επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας της ενέργειας έχουν εμπνεύσει ολόκληρο το κοινό. Since the Dongfeng Group focused on the goal of "three leaps, one to the new", it has led Forthing to accelerate the process of new energy, intelligence and internationalization. Forthing has focused on the parallel development of commercial vehicles and passenger cars, made significant breakthroughs in new energy architecture, batteries and hybrid systems, and made every effort to build a new energy ecosystem and overseas layout.

Για τις συζύγους των πρεσβευτών που επιδιώκουν την ποιοτική ζωή, η άνεση του MPV είναι το κλειδί για τη μέτρηση της ποιότητάς του. Το Forthing V9 διαθέτει ένα ποσοστό χρήσης χώρου κατά 85,2%, έτσι ώστε οι συζύγους των πρεσβευτών να είναι άνετες σε όλη τη διαδρομή. The second-row airline seats are integrated with massage, ventilation, heating and other functions, and are equipped with the rare left and right movement function, so that the ambassadors' wives can easily adjust their seats, whether they are having intimate conversations or enjoying their private time in peace, everything is under their control. Forthing V9 also understands the way of green travel, the thermal efficiency of Mach power reaches 45.18%, realizing the combination of energy saving and performance, and contributing to the sustainable development when traveling comfortably.


Web: https://www.forthingmotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com;   dflqali@dflzm.com
Τηλέφωνο: +8618177244813 ; +15277162004
Διεύθυνση: 286, Avenue Pingshan, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Κίνα

Χρόνος δημοσίευσης: Νοέμβριος-08-2024